Center for Heritage Renewal

North Dakota State University

Welcome to the Center for Heritage Renewal, North Dakota State University. The center is a locus for applied research and public service in the areas of historic preservation and heritage tourism. Developer of the center is Tom Isern, Professor of History & University Distinguished Professor. For standing information about the center, its mission, its organization, and its projects, see legend and links at left of this home page. For recent and occasional news, see the feed framed at right. mostbet az

The center maintains a strong presence on the social media platform, Facebook. Heritage Renewal is the center's page, carrying official announcements and organizational news. Heritage Trails is a Facebook group for heritage travelers on the northern plains.

Developer & Director: Tom Isern
Telephone 701-799-2942

Associate Director: Angela Smith
Research Associate: Richard Rothaus
Special Projects Coordinator: Clarence Herz

Graduate Assistants
Angela Beaton
Kevin Hill

Graduate Associates
Robert Kurtz
Chris Hummel
Carole Butcher
Dakota Goodhouse
Ken Smith
Kip Thorson
Amanda Biles
John Hest
William Lange

Contact the Center

Mailing Address
PO Box 1390
Fargo ND 58107-1390

Physical Location
West Building, a.k.a Knox Building
3551 7th Avenue North, Room 121

About the Center

Projects & Partners
