How did you go about this work?The historic architectural survey of Bowman County proceeded in common-sense fashion across the county. Maps from the North Dakota Department of Transportation and the U.S. Geological Survey in hand, we drove and hiked across the county in search of historic buildings, structures, and objects. These ranged from high architectural style to utilitarian objects, from ornate mansions to creep feeders--the whole physical legacy of historical life in Bowman County.When we located historical resources that we wished to document, we obtained permission of landowners before entering the property. On site we took notes on the buildings and structures; photographed them; asked questions about them; and generally compiled a file of physical and historical details.
These files, along with our library and archival research, were the basis for our report to the
State Historical Society of North Dakota. The report is available to the public. We also reported to the public through public presentations, a photograph exhibit, press releases, and
this website.