Historic Architectural Survey of Bowman County
What does this mean to people in Bowman County?
It's not likely that the historic architectural survey will bring national fame or sudden wealth to
Bowman County. The benefits are not so direct, but they are significant.
- The historical resources of Bowman County are recorded and recognized. The project
files and report, under the curatorship of the State Historical Society of North Dakota, are
available to the public. This is a significant addition to knowledge about the history of
life in West River North Dakota.
- Specific properties eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places are
brought to the attention of the State Historical Society of North Dakota. Listing on the
National Register of Historic Places provides
both recognition and benefits for property owners and for the community in general.
- A record of life in Bowman County is created for posterity. This survey constitutes
an elaborate snapshot that generations hence can consult when they wish to know what life was
like here.
The down side? We can't think of any. We do our work with respect for local people and
affection for the way of life on the Great Plains of North America. We appreciate the
opportunity to get to know Bowman County and its people.
Center for Heritage Renewal