North Dakota Combat Veterans Since 1975


A Directory

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A database and directory of North Dakota combat veterans since 1975 is under development by the Center for Heritage Renewal, North Dakota State University. The center has undertaken this work under contract with North Dakota’s Office of the Adjutant General.


The mandate for a new directory of combat veterans lies in Senate Bill 2323, passed by the legislature in 2015. The bill ordered the “collecting of information on North Dakotans who served in a theatre or area of armed conflict since the Vietnam conflict.”


“The purpose of the work is honorific,” explains center director Tom Isern, who also is Professor of History and University Distinguished Professor at NDSU. “There is a sense that North Dakota should do a better job of recognizing those who served us in theatres of combat.”


Sensitive to requirements and concerns as to personal privacy, the center is gathering as much information as it can, in response to the legislative mandate, from public and organizational sources. It is opening contacts with individuals and organizations across the state in order to document its combat veterans.


The state previously published informational directories covering combat veterans of World War II, the Korean Conflict, and the Vietnam War. The collection of such information ceased, however, in 1975.


Information gathered by the center for the Office of the Adjutant General will be delivered to the North Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs for safekeeping. In the meantime, project staff keep the data in-house under careful security.


The timeline calls for completion of data collection by 1 July 2017.


North Dakota vets: If you served in a theater of armed conflict since 1975, the center would greatly appreciate hearing from you, in order to honor your service. See forms and additional information below.


Combat and Contact Information for Veteran


Combat Operations since 1975


DD214 Release


Project Poster


NDSU Heritage Renewal